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On source of growing anarchy & hate crimes!

Undoubtedly capitalism, the unsolvable contradictions of capitalism, the need of capital to grow and perpetual tendency of profit rate to move towards zero! More the slowing down of profit rate, more the loss of working forces, that is workers, more the curtailment of wages of the workers, lesser the purchasing power of the consumers, more the loss of profit rate. It’s a vicious circle of capitalist production, where Surplus Value creates the chaos and the chaos is visible in other aspects of the society, viz, politics, social relations, spiritualism, culture, education, rising religiosity & casteism in our country, etc!

There is another fact in this regard, that is why such contradiction, does not lead to revolution, why capitalism is not replaced by socialism and bury the present contradiction and bring prosperity & peace in the society? Actually, the failure of revolution, the failure to transit into socialism, the next higher stage in human civilisation, leads to anarchy & hate crimes, direct plunder of the working class and peasants! The revolution has failed in India and the world over due treachery of the “Communist Parties” in respective countries, as these parties are actually no more revolutionary parties, they are sham “Left”.

They are revisionists and have done treason to the working class to favor the bourgeois class and themselves to gain comfortable posts, like MPs, MLAs, comfortable bungalows, manpower to help them & their families in daily or routine works, expensive luxurious cars, pay, pension & perks, media propaganda, foreign trips on our costs, bourgeois top class schools for their children, and many more.

These parties and especially their leaders are no more capable of leading any class struggle as they have become used to comfy life and have become cowards. There were many such examples in Bengal & Tripura where post their defeat, their cadre, middle rung leaders migrated to extreme Right Wing parties, including BJP and their top leaders joined bandwagon of those who were “mourning” Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s death and even leader like Sitaram Yetury said that Vajpayee’s death was a great loss to India and his ideologies were needed in present day India!!! Ugh!!!

So Comrades, the source of present day anarchism (I would prefer to call it Fascism, as it is fascism, which we are facing) is due deep, irreconcilable contradictions in capitalism and its failure to come out of it in normal ways. The monopoly capitalism, imperialism, its failed program “Neoliberalism”, forced terrorism and war, etc have failed to tide over the massive downtrend of the economic ventures!

On the other hand, we are witnessing gigantic revolt by the working class, farmers, youths, unemployed workers, Dalits, tribes, minorities, etc, albeit on non-class line. Any movement of these people make “crowd” of lakhs, even when led by nonparty organizations. There are rising Workers’ party, Communist cells, Left organisations who are approaching these mass movements with Marxist Leninist theories and causing mortal fears among the bourgeois class and their political touts, managers!

The above reasons have forced the capitalist class to “seek” support of a section of the masses, especially from the middle class, petty bourgeois class, lumpen workers, ambitious youth “leaders” and others. The support is coming forth due massive investment of capital, regressive ideologies, power & posts, like Mukhiya, Sarpanch, head of some NGOs, Cow protection cells, Anti-Romeo Squads.

Media is already part of the corporate world, but police, CBI, administration, and other “Constitutional” bodies, like EC, CAG, Judiciary are bent enough to support the fascism.

Fascism in short is a form of Capitalism, like State Capitalism, Monopoly Capitalism, Crony Capitalism, Social Democracy, etc. But Fascism is the most rotten & violent form of Capitalism, which plunders the market, banks, lands, public property directly & no more depends on the market. By the way, the “Free Market” was buried more than a century back to establish monopoly capitalism and the world market was already divide among these monopoly capitalists.

In our country, the ground for today, fascism or “anarchy & hate crimes” was sown long back, at the time of Independence, when Indian rulers chose the path of Capitalism, but it gained momentum after 1990s, when so called Manmohanics opened our economy to foreign hawks, in name of “Reform”. The middle class swelled momentarily, but the seeds were sown for privatization of all public concerns, end of government jobs, 100% production for profit, even in education & health services, & direct plunder of the working class. Time was to deepen the class struggle bu8t our Left chose to remain tail of Congress party in name of resisting communal forces, which in fact strengthened the communal forces, which was to mask the ugly design of capitalist class & a breather to it, which was moribund & was awaiting to be buried to pave way for the working class hegemony & to construct a socialist society!

An another angle here, the global condition, the global economic slowdown and its effort to expand the market if possible & redistribute, which we are witnessing in China US growing Trade War, & India’s present ruler’s readiness to side American Foreign policy, where Israel, too, has a main role. Does one feel uneasiness to see our head of state running to airport to receive such rogues & war criminals, like Obama, Trump, Netanyahu?

Comrades, the situation today is massive complex but equally simple if we analyse the situation holistically, dialectly and plan to resist it.

Yes, fascism cannot be defeated simply through normal methods practiced and known so far. They were election, procession, protests, TU works, and press statements, complain to Governors or Presidents, and even mass protests or movement. We need Socialist Revolution, or whatever you call it to smash fascism & its mother capitalism under the leadership of Proletarian class, its party, built on Bolshevism, Democratic Centralism, capable of leading class struggle.

(We need an Anti-Fascist Front to ensure victory. This front must have a nucleus of likeminded organization and in fringes all the revolutionary & progressive forces! This itself is another issue & needs to be elaborates & agreed up on with the other parties.)

Yes class unity & struggle. What is class struggle? Struggle by the working class & its allies to replace the hegemony of the capitalist class, dismantle its state & machinery and establish its own hegemony, to prevent any fall back, restoration of bourgeois rule, construct a socialist society, with all might, socialize all means of production, means of subsistence, natural resources of the country. In other words, abolish Private Property, abolish Wage Slavery, abolish all the bases of exploitation of any man by another, abolish all social & religious base of discrimination. In short build a classless society!

Comrades, the above analysis is in brief, needs to be elaborated, understood and fought back to end the present environment of hatred and lawlessness, which is possible only if the working class & its party marches forward to further Class Struggle! And if we succeed, we must carry it forward to a Socialist Revolution!

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