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The voice of swayamsevak

As a left-wing supporter, I always advocated and represented their ideologies, policies and principles in any heated arguments, debates or discussions at various platforms. The same happens with the peers in informal political or current issue discussions. Whenever I got an opportunity to give a speech or put forward my opinions, there was always a Sanghi sitting as a spectator, and eagerly waiting to hit me up with his so-called Rastrabhakthi Philosophies.

Therefore, as a representative of leftist ideologies, it becomes my birthright to eventually denigrate and slander them. There was hardly a day sans wrangles among our group which continued for three long years. From being involved in communal riots to Babri Masjid demolition to involvement in central politics, Sangh Parivar was always on our target to defame and mangle. I accused Sangh of communal riots in any part of the country just as all other people with the mindset of infamous Kannaiyah Kumar or Umar Khalid do. It was the 2014 Lok Sabha election in India when the political parties started targeting Sangh from the day the Prime Minister candidate was officially announced by BJP. Sangh always involves itself or its other organisations like Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishad in various riots which primarily focus on Hindu-Muslim issues. Sanghies think that they are the messenger of God to save the whole nation from atrocities of foreign religions by mass killing or committing heinous crimes. I’m Hindu why should someone else be representing me to safeguard my religion? Who permitted them to defend Hindtuva?. Who has given them the rights to fight for Hindus? Why do they think of themselves as the fully equipped army to protect Hindus and perform Gharwapsi? These questions haunted me, and I used them as a weapon to target Sangh Pariwar in formal or informal discussions.

The journey

With no objective to continue as a swayam sevak, I have joined Sangh to understand it thoroughly, to understand its deep roots, it’s functioning, finding out who is running it, their ideology, to know them better as it’s said know your enemy well before attacking them. Hence, I registered myself on their portal, and I received a call back after two days to visit their shakha. I visited shakha for the first time, without leaving my work. I started understanding them, but no one was ready to answer my questions related to the Sangh. The only answer I got was, “you will understand everything, be patient”. After the first visit, I frequently visited various baithaks (meetings) and shakhas at different locations. The first Pracharak (full-time worker at RSS) whom I met was so humble and grounded that he can attract anyone with his ever-smiling face. Pracharaks at Sangh are the people who always made me curious to understand them better. The first question I always asked when I met any Prachrak was, “why do you leave your family and commit your whole life to the Sangh” and the only answer I have got till date is their ‘smile’. Slowly I started understanding Sangh Pariwar, and today I have completed a whole year as a swayam sevak. The myths related to Sangh pariwar were utterly demolished. Today, I stand to understand them well. The beauty of sangh pariwar are the people of our country involved in it. You will find Muslim swayam sevaks in the Shakha too; hence there is no question of anti-Muslim. RSS is only for the nation if a person is right Sangh will support them irrespective of their political differences or religions because, nation first.

ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः ।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु
मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

1: Om, May All become Happy,
2: May All be Free from Illness.
3: May All See what is Auspicious,
4: May no one Suffer.
5: Om Peace, Peace, Peace.



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