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Leading NGO In India Working For Handicapped.

Disability can’t pause life, disabled people has similar rights like everyone does. Disabled can do anything but in little different way and sometimes even better than a normal person.

What makes Narayan Seva Sansthan No.1 NGO in country for handicapped?

Narayan Seva Sansthan was established in 1985 for the welfare of differently abled people, and the NGO conducted more than 3,25,000 successful surgeries with your best wishes.

Services provided by Narayan Seva Sansthan

  1. Running a school named ‘Narayan Children Acedemy’ in Udaipur for children belonging to backward and tribal regions.
  2. Conducted a residential school for deaf, dumb and blind child.
  3. Conducts artificial limbs workshops across the country.
  4. It has 30 physiotherapy centers across the country.
  5. Conducts 80 to 90 successful surgeries every day.
  6. Diagnose 300-400 people every day.
  7. Conducts mass marriages for handicapped twice a year.
  8. Treatment of clipping polio affected people through corrective surgeries, and making them stand on their own.
  9. Rehabilitation of poor and needy patients by providing them training of sewing, computer, and mobile repair.
  10. Running a hostel for orphaned and rural children.
  11. Regularly distributes stationary, books, clothes to children.
  12. Sponsor student’s education.


Narayan Seva Sansthan’s agenda

The NGO wants to serve all needy people of the country with their services, and to motivate every single differently abled person to lead his/her life by himself with dignity instead of being burden on their parents or relatives for their daily requirements.

The organization conducts mass marriages to simplify their lives, helps developing their skills by teaching them computer, mobile repair, and sewing besides gift them the mobile repair equipments and sewing machines.


The best gift you can ever give to someone is your time because you are giving them something that you will never get back. Appreciate your life for having a perfect body, ask those people who knows the real value of it. If you want to give you best wishes to Narayan Seva sansthan please visit our website and appreciate our work.

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