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How Water Efficient Toilets Can Save You Money & Help The Environment

Do you know that 71% of the earth is covered with water? Of course, there is a lot of water here to survive and to waste. But are you aware that 97% of the total water available is salt water and is not suitable for drinking? And out of remaining 3%, only 1% is available for use, rest is locked in glaciers. Now, this seems a little less, Right? But why should you care? Well, you should care for the environment, for the generations coming next and if for not anyone, then for your pockets.

Now the question arises where and how can you reduce water footprints. Almost all daily routine job requires water, but if done efficiently, you can end up saving a lot of both; water and thus the environment.

It’s Time to Switch to Water Efficient Toilets

In 1995, The National Energy Policy Act mandated that all new toilets had to be low flow toilets using no more than 1.6 gallons per flush which were less than half the water used by toilets in the 1980s. Initial results were dissatisfactory but then came the pressure-assisted flushing. The principle of water efficient toilet design and operation was the shift from removing waste by using flush water volume to increasing flush water velocity.

With the limited supply and continuous waste of water resource, it is crucial that we wake up and use it wisely so that we can protect and preserve our environment, minimise the effects of drought and save energy and finally the water bills. Upgrading to low flow toilets can play a crucial role in reducing water footprint.

Advantages Of Low Flow Toilets

1. Water Conservation

The low-flow toilets use a maximum of 1.6 gallons as compared to older models which used to consume as many as 7 gallons of water every time you flush; which means that in a year a family of four can save up to 13000 gallons with this mere switch.

2. Cost Savings

When saving water with every flush, you save money which was earlier flushed in the water bills with the flush water. Though initial investment of upgrading your toilet to low flush may be high, the end results will be desirable.

Water Efficient Toilets – Know The 3 Basic Designs

Toilets work on two basic functions i.e. intake of water from the toilet tank and the discharge of wastewater. And on the basis of these two functions three basic designs for toilet system are available:

1. Gravity-Fed Tank: They rely on the power of gravity and the larger opening to do work.

2. Two-Button Flush: These are a gravity-fed tank with two-flush buttons, one for liquid wastes and the other for solids.

3. Power-Assist or Pressure-Assisted: These are powerful than gravity-fed toilets and uses compressed air to force the water to flush the waste.

SMALL Toilet Tips for BIG differences to Conserve Water

1. Buy A Low-Flow Toilet/Dual Flush Toilet: Your old toilets may be wasting water due to inefficiency. Upgrading to a low-flow toilet or Dual flush toilet can bring a reasonable amount of saving of water and money

2. Check for Any Leaks: Take a regular check on faucets and toilet guns as one drop per second accounts up to 5 gallons per day, which is a great loss and should not be neglected.

3. Place A Plastic Bottle Inside Tank: Weird, right? But, it works. All you have to do is to fill a plastic bottle with pebbles and put it in the toilet tank. This simple step can save 10 gallons per day. Try it now.

4. Don’t Flush Tissues, Insects, and Other Waste in the toilet: Flushing these will again take few gallons. Better to throw these in a waste bucket and dispose of.

So, tips to save water are not a big deal but saving it is a BIG one; and you know why! What all it takes is a commitment and some rework in your toilets.

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