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Using the Sh*t out of Your Textbooks

Are you one of those students that can’t stand to make marks on a new textbook because you assume your marks will hurt the value of it? If so, you may want to come to grips with the fact that your book will be worth the same money no matter the condition. In general sales terms, a “good” conditioned book is going to be worth a lot more than a “bad” conditioned book. With textbooks though, the only price differences come between new books and used books. The second you leave the store with your textbook, it loses value. You might as well put that massive depreciation to good use. There is a great diversity in hospitality industry therefore here is a basic guide to help you use the absolute shit out of your textbooks.

1 – Look Taller

Prop a book under your butt and instantly look taller when you sit down. If you’re lucky, you may absorb some of the knowledge through your ass, kind of like an intellectual suppository. Is this the ideal way to use your textbook? Nope, but it is an option to keep in mind if you’re short. As a proudly short 5’2″ woman, I can attest that this method actually works. No need to thank me. Your height gain is all the thanks I need.

2 – Press Flowers

Have some flowers from a special event you want to press? Those textbooks could be perfect solutions for you. Wrap the flower in wax paper and put it in the middle of one book. Then stack other books on top as desired to smoosh the flower down. In a week of avoiding your online degree, you’ll have pressed flowers to keep forever.

3 – Roommate Abuse

Do you have a roommate that just gets on your nerves? Ever want to just whack him in the face? Ope! Enter the textbooks. I would never condone violence per se, but if your roommate happens to get a big smack on the ass whenever he is sleeping on your bed because you got home a little late, so be it. Just don’t be surprised if he returns the favor.

4 – Power Stepping

Trying to get rid of some fat on your thighs? Why not use your textbooks as stairs then? You can stomp on the books out of anger and get a great workout at the same time. Put all of them in a little stair step pattern, and then go up and down until you feel the burn. You could even lift them up like barbells if you wanted to make them double as weights. You have to think outside the box here. That is putting your books to good use.

5 – Study

Say what?

In the midst of all this humor, I do have to insert a little reality check. Your textbooks are made to provide you with information, and believe it or not, you could benefit from studying them. Rather than letting them go completely to waste, you need to turn them into your personalized study tools. Write in your books, highlight in your books, put tabs in your books, and stick post-its in your books if that’s what it takes for you to learn the material. If you buy a used textbook, you might have a head start at all this. Whatever you do, put your books to good use. Then if you happen to use them for some roommate discipline, you’ve at least learned something to think back on in jail.

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