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Student stressed

stressed students
India is a developing country and it is focusing on the future that is the children and the youth . Educational measures are being taken and full development is being ensured by the HRD minister . Apart from all this the boards are a huge part in the life of a student . Every student must have experienced the pressure of boards and the speeches about how it will shape your careers.

It is all a hype. We have been told that boards are difficult but some people find it a hype . The pressure building on students is causing more and more students to slip into depression and suffer from anxiety . The sky rocketting grades that the people expect from the teens especially are very hard to gain . Parents keep comparing their situation to ours , but it seems as if they are forgetting that the worls has reformed in the past 20-30 years d things are not what they seem . They should consider the fact that the studies are very agonizing right now.

We are trying our very best to gain grades but knowledge is also important and the stress level is increasing with the load of projects and homework we get . We dont get time for ourselves and that seems to put us into worry

The education system has been developing but it still needs a lotof improvements in it.

The stress is too much for the students to handle and dont we as students should get more freedom to express our veiws and imagination instead of learning quadratic equations and formulas. They qont help in life but the basic life skills will …

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