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Data Mining Tools And Drones Will Help Our Security Agencies To Counter Hi-Tech Terrorism

Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh has announced that Indian security agencies will now be equipped with the hi-tech social media data mining tools. Thereby, they could be able to churn various social networks, like Facebook and Twitter. These social handles are prominently emerging as the operational network of anti-social elements.

Indian security agencies collate the data of all criminals in the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network System (CCTNS). This is how they disseminate that data amongst themselves. According to the Economic Times, the Home Minister showed an urgency to have such software that the government can outsource for data mining of the social accounts. Also, their functionality should be potent to collate all accessed information. So, they need an advanced technology to tap on them.

The Home Minister recounted the days when tapping criminals was an uphill climb. “But today, we can keep eyes on them through the CCTV cameras,” he said, according to the Economic Times. He iterated to hire the extraordinary face recognition technology. This decision came when he showed his worries over the inexplicit faces in the captured video footage. It’s the biggest challenge to identify the criminals. Therefore, he assured to get a much-improved version of the face-recognition technology.

The government is sticking eyes on the advanced face-recognition technology. Be it a software or a premium tool; it’s looking for the best technology to deploy on. That technology will help in identifying the untapped criminals & terrorists along with their modus operandi.

The reason for doing so is that the terrorists are actively recruiting operatives on this dark network. Even, it has become a transmission centre for exchanging highly confidential details, which is a deadly fact.

The central government is all set to counter-attack on them through the cyber-security cells/divisions. These cells would dig deeper into the social media and pull out the identity of the anti-social elements. Subsequently, the driven database would be disseminated to the police in various states & union territories.

India’s coastline and land territories are 7,000 km & 15,000 Km long respectively. A little bit of tension with the neighbouring countries could spark collateral damage. This fatality can be eliminated through laser fencing. The Indian government is going to launch a pilot project of laser fencing in Jammu & Kashmir, Gujarat and Assam. The minister cited that the border security is must; the borderline should be effectively secured. The laser fencing could do it easily.

Besides, the government is also going to launch drones. They will integrate an edge to the national security agencies. What they will get is unprecedented assistance in keeping vigil on the Naxal operations. They are destructive and cause a deadly massacre. The deployed drones could help in weeding out Naxalites.

All these decisions were announced in the three-day Defence and Homeland Security Expo and Conference 2018 held by the PHD Chamber. The decision came after a long interval. The terrorism has gone hi-tech. It’s posing a daunting challenge to the security. So, taking a strong stand has become a need of the hour.

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