Site icon Youth Ki Awaaz

” girls education part 2!”

Hi , everyone I hope you all like my first post but now I want to share some more opinions to you , because it is great that I got a chance .                                           As you know that I have also opened I library I want to say you guies who ever are reading this article , please help one person daily you will great I hope you will do it .                                      I just want to a example that today you all are getting better knowledge that you can secure your future but there are person who are unaware of this so you have give them the awareness of the education because to be leader it is not that we have to have specific moment , there is no time of showing your leadership .in what ever circumstances you want in writing skill or lecture skill , every skill is important in today’s day , so I want to aware you please help such people’s in you community and if they don’t want so try to communicate , today they say no , tomorrow that will say no but there will be a day when they will agree and also be with us . that’s all for today if you want more ideas that how can you help please in awaring about education specially girls I will be always be there , ok bye!                                                                  – Srishti

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