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Are Old Age Homes Required In A Society Like Ours?

Sarvateerthamayi mata

Sarva devamaya pitah

Mataram pitaram Tasmaat

Sarvayetneena Pujyate

Mother is (the embodiment) of all pilgrimages; father is (the embodiment) of all deities. Hence, mother and father are to be revered with all efforts. Every family has its problems – be it financial or emotional. But the most challenging one today is where willingly or unwillingly everyone is forced to send their parents to an old age home.

Before I express my views, I would like to tell the readers how and why old age homes were established. Old age home is a western concept, which came into existence under the name of Almshouse. These charitable homes were provided to enable older adults who were no longer able to earn their livelihood. The first Almshouse was founded in York by King Athelstan.

A dramatic increase was noticed in the establishment of old age homes all over the world after that. According to the 2011 census, more than 15% out of the 35.5% elderly population resides in old age homes in India. The Friend in Need Society of Madras, was the first organisation to devote itself to the care of the aged in 1840, followed by the Little sisters of the Poor in 1882, in Calcutta. It opened a home which provided shelter, clothing and medical care to the old.

So, why did such a concept come into existence in a society where ideas such as Vasudhaiva Kutmbakam are practised and preached, a culture where parents are equated to gods and given the same respect? Many factors such as urbanisation, western education, changing values, better employment opportunities etc. have altered the traditional roles of elderly in the society and families.

Attracted by advanced technologies that provide opportunities to prosper in life, along with material benefits, and sometimes pressure from spouses, are few of the reasons why such organisations were established. It must be admitted that there are also children in some families, who do not want to leave their aged parents and prefer to take care of them until their last breath. They are willing to sacrifice personal desires for family’s sake. This mindset in children varies widely and parents too, have learnt to compromise with the given situations.

Old Age Homes In Our Current Society Are More Of A Bane Than A Boon As-


Thus, as every aspect of life has its pros and cons, old age homes, have their own too.


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