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We talked

Yesterday night we finally talked.

By we, I don’t mean I and my ever fighting boyfriend. We are on a break. Yes, Again. This time he broke up with me  For how long? I don’t care.

Back to “We”. The he in this we is my long time crush and the most dreamy gentlemen in my radar. He is tall, a bit on the darker side and very handsome. He plays a handful of musical instruments and is a good artist too.. With that sense of humour, I didn’t think there could be anyone better…


That was until I started to talk to him, It was all fun and games, everything that I ever wanted until…

Until he started asking me questions like if I was a virgin or if I liked watching  porn. And also went on bragging about how he is never serious in a relation and is not a virgin either.

Don’t get me wrong , I am not judging. He still is dreamy looking and extremely talented. But the hormones played their magic and I no longer have a crush on him. And I pretty much don’t want to be his another fling.

So I guess I will have to settle for a less perfect version… And yes, my stupid boyfriend hasn’t texted me yet.

Being a 23 year old average looking girl is hard. Buy I wouldn’t have it any other way.



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