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The Price

“Go to sleep, Arjun” his dad shouted from his bedroom “it’s already 11 pm”. ”last 5 minutes Dad” replied arjun without even batting an eye off the tv set in which his favourite team’s match was on. They lived in a luxurious 3BHK apartment. Arjun loved football, he didn’t play much now as he was mostly absorbed in his studies, but he used to play quite well in his school days. Arjun was in 12th; he loved science and wanted to pursue engineering after school.

Arjun respected his dad a lot. He learned a lot by observing him. A very good quality of his dad was discipline; he had a fixed routine which had not changed since years. He woke up at 7 and was in bed by 11 every day. Arjun was expected to follow a similar routine. Every Sunday evening came with an installed lesson of learning for Arjun. “Come here son” said his dad on one such Sunday evening, ”sit, by me” his father said while Arjun who was used to the routine was already on his way to take the vacant space beside his dad. ”how’s  your coaching going?” asked his dad. “i am doing  fine dad my teacher thinks  i will get in one of the best engineering colleges in state” arjun replied with a proud smile on his face. “good, but don’t be too confident, keep working hard, if you want a good college you have to work hard enough, everything comes with a price son” preached his dad. Arjun had heard this one a thousand times but he nodded as if he had just received divine knowledge.

The Sunday evening talks reduced after Arjun got to college. He was in a different city so he used to come visit his parents in weekends once a month. Arjun was fond of his college not only because it was his dream college but he was in the college football team and he was living his childhood dream again. When he told his father about the college and the football team he got a stern reply “sports is good for health but keep your focus on studies” “yeah yeah, i know dad” ignored Arjun.

Arjun’s dad was a wise man, he was very practical in his approach of life. He knew his kid very well. He knew better than to pamper his kid. He knew that Arjun was smart and just needed to be guided in the right direction and he will make a fine man of himself. He never told Arjun but he was proud of him, on some nights he would tell his wife how much he missed Arjun “we are so lucky to have such an obedient kid, i miss him a lot sometimes” He would say with a tear in his eyes.

Whenever he got a chance Arjun came home, his friends would stay at the hostel. This was because of the fact that Arjun loved his parents and really missed them while he was away. Moreover, he used his love for his parents as a motivating factor in his studies. Once a close friend of his asked him “Arjun, what gets you going when studies really get to your head?” Arjun who never liked to share a lot with friends, replied with a smile” it’s my parents, sometimes i think about repaying them back for all they have done for me. But then i realise that the only way i can repay them is by making them happy, delivering them what they expect from me even if i don’t like it”. Even arjun was not sure whether this type of thinking does him good or bad.

Exams were round the corner and Arjun was home for the reading break, he was studying really hard day and night. His father was very pleased to see Arjun working this hard. One day while Arjun was watching a football match,he started to miss playing football as he used to play every day in college. “Dad, can i get a football i really miss playing, moreover my birthday is coming up and it can be my birthday present” begged Arjun “Sure son get anything you want, you work so hard on your studies get yourself anything you want” his father agreed though Arjun did not expect such a reply from his father with exams on.

The next day he got himself the best football in the store. He was as happy as a little kid after getting an ice cream. He showed his dad the ball after he came back from work with a little bit of tricks too. His dad was satisfied seeing his son have what he wanted. What else did a man wish but to provide for his family. But he saw that Arjun was playing with the ball since an hour, it was almost 10 pm, the time during which he usually studies but he was still playing football. “Arjun don’t you have to study?” “no dad i don’t think i’ll study tonight i am tired i have been playing football all day, look i mastered my rainbow kick” shouted Arjun from the yard still busy with his ball.

His father asked his mother if that was true “yes, he is very excited about the ball, he is 20 but he is acting like a 10 year old after he bought it”.”I am worried now with exams on he shouldn’t be wasting his time on football, these kids can never get their priorities straight” His dad didn’t like the idea of his son distracted by a ball. He called Arjun inside” Arjun come inside now enough with the ball”

Arjun knew he won’t be able to stand long against his father so he dribbled the ball in. He did obey his father but didn’t stop playing he dribbled past his father and around him “look at him acting like a kid, stop it now” his father said, irritated with all the playing around. But there ball never left arjun’s feet. His father got furious “what’s the matter with you, does playing means you forget engineering? Does Football mean more than your Studies to you?” “yes you haven’t studied the whole day” his mother said “it’s just because it is new, come on dad, what’s the big deal can’t i be happy for a day?” his father reacted to this in a way arjun had never imagined, he darted towards the table pulled the drawer and found the nozzle of the ball, he took the ball and flattened it “Here you go, play” handing the ball to arjun ”Play as much as you want” Arjun didn’t say a thing he was shocked after a moment he just smiled and quietly went to his room, his shoulders hanging low and his eyes studying the tiles as he passed.

Arjun never realised all this while he was happy because he made his dad happy, his choices were his dad’s choices. Maybe he didn’t want to study engineering maybe he wanted to play football or do something else. He realised his dad’s lesson today EVERYTHING COMES WITH A PRICE and the price of playing football was engineering. But he wasn’t sure if was ready to pay it.

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