The Indian Economy will rise to 5th spot in the world thereby dethroning France and United Kingdom from their previous positions. It is a remarkable achievement when one looks into the facts and figures that come along with it. A country whose economy that did not even account to 12% of the total economy of the United States in 2000, the country has gained astounding figures within the next two decades. Already deemed as the 3rd largest economy on the adjustment of cost of living measures, the dull effects of demonetisation and GST implementations by the Modi government have slowly been shoved off. But what possible change would the country see by this rise, save the fact that no remarkable effects have been put into the general social system of the country with respect to its present position as the 7th largest economy. The pathetic trends of the country has not seen any positive effect. Rural India still suffers from poverty. Light has not still struck their lives. Corruption runs through the system. From the local government offices to the top-draw organisations in the country, all have been plagued by the dirty-hands of corruption. While they boast about modern weapons and missionary and increased nuclear firepower, there are children on the countryside who long for a meal a day. A shambolic healthcare system that spreads throughout the country and an economy which rises and funds private sector hospitals to drain the hapless middle and lower class of the society. The existing conditions of the government hospitals need not be mentioned too, where proper facilities are not available for all. Where has the economy been put in good effect for the betterment of those who are in need? On the wake of the recent Ockhi cyclone disaster that struck across the coast of Tamil Nadu and Kerala, several lives have been lost in the unexpected calamity. Has the rise of the economy helped in the betterment of their families? The divide between the rich and the poor is at its greatest, only looking to increase from here. What possible change can we expect and what hopes do this raise for the common-man. Practically nothing.