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survival of the fittest

“Herbet Spencer” an English philosopher gave this phrase, those who are fit (not only by physically but also by Emotionally, Financially……… on) only they can survive in this Era. There is endless example of it. Between countries, societies, religion………Everywhere. Only the fittest are ruling in the world.

                                                                                             It’s difficult for an average person to live in the society where everyone wants to be fittest, we are forgetting humanity between this BE FITTESTcompetition. Groom wants a charming, intelligent, good looking Bride and a Bride wants man who looks like an actor and earns like Bill Gates………what is this?  Again fight to be fit by the help of others.

                                                Cut throat competition is root of the “fittest war”. In present days education is not to educate , it’s only purpose is to convert human into Machine. Present education tactics making fighters not humans.





[NOTE: First time writing, help me to improve]

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