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Social Evils Of INDIA.

Open defecation

I reside in a country where people even in today’s world know how to adjust in every situation and where most of the families live together happily. India have developed show much in terms of technology and gadgets, as now we have been recognized as a developing nation all around the globe.

But dark side of this country have  never faded away with over the times. There are still many customs or traditions which have been followed in our country which drags us backward into the pit. People still think that following the old traditions are still necessary in this developing nation. But we as the youth of the future generation should make the people aware and make them understand that the world is changing and so our old traditions should also change.

Still in many villages of India people lack proper sanitation. People in rural areas prefer to open defecation, instead of proper toilet’s at their home. Many men,women and children opt for such a bad practice which invites to many hazardous diseases. This people are not aware of the bad cons of such a practice. Their have made up their minds that if they set up a washroom at their houses it may pollute their homes and gods will not bring happiness to their homes. According to the facts of the Indian government 564 million people, that’s just under the half the population in India, do not yet use a toilet. I don’t know that whether I should feel proud of that people still respect the old tradition or I should be ashamed that this people have not yet understood? Why do these people do not understand that toilet is an essential part for the development of children in rural areas and for the development of this nation.

Now, it’s time to stop such a evil practice and make our country fit for human’s lungs to breathe and disease-free country. We people should make others understand and provide them proper knowledge to use toilets. We can arrange small meetings with the rural people to teach the benfits of using toilets over the open defecation. Small plays can be organized by the government to carb out this evil practice. Government can install public toilets, make commitee to look after this toilet and for the proper maintanence.
Despite of such steps which are taken by the government still the thinking of our people have not changed and still they follow the same old practice of open defecation. Not only the Indian government who taken this intialization but also the bollywood has taken a step further. Akshay Kumar a renowed actor of Indian cinema has also taken a step for such bad practice,  his movie ‘Toilet-Ek Prem Katha’ evolves around a village where this habit was followed. He tried several steps and have chamged the minds of the people in the village.

We as  INDIANS should pledge that we would not follow this evil practice and make our country and mother earth a better living place.

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