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Side Effects of Porn Everyone Must Know

The easy access and ubiquity of porn these days has made it a major problem. For many it is a personal problem whereas it is a cultural problem for everyone. You may think that you are not affected by porn because you don’t watch it, but the fact is that there has been some impact because it has become embedded in your culture and surroundings. The huge size of the porn industry, the staggering influence on the media and its anonymity, accessibility and affordability due to the acceleration of technology has contributed to its increasing impact. Pornography can have a world of negative side effects, whether you are a man or woman.

The problem lies in the fact that most people don’t view it as a dangerous activity and consider it a harmless past time and a way to relieve some frustration. However, the fact is that porn addiction is just as serious as drug and alcohol addiction because it also makes you dependent and takes a toll on your mental and physical health. Porn can have a serious impact on your quality of life and some of them are outlined below:

Desensitization and Escalation

Porn addiction works in the same way as drug addiction; once you get used to it, the same amount, quantity or type is not enough. You will always have an ever-increasing craving and lust for more intense and creative porn videos. Eventually, the simple and regular ones are not going to be satisfying and your lust and desire are going to drive you into dangerous and dark territories. This is a downward spiral and can even cause addicts to commit horrible acts such as rape.


The sex life of addicts is also going to suffer because they will no longer be satisfied with what they have. For instance, men who watch porn frequently may become dissatisfied with their wife’s appearance or may not like their response and this can lead to dysfunctional relationships. In addition, they may also force their partner into doing thigs the other is not comfortable with.


When someone is addicted to porn, they are also addicted to masturbation. While viewing porn, the sexual urges become really strong and the only way to seek release is through masturbation and you will be unable to resist. Thus, masturbation addiction also develops.

Mental Health Issues

One of the most common side effects of porn addiction is emotional pain. Most addicts are aware that what they are doing is wrong and will not be viewed as good by the society, but are unable to stop themselves. As a result, they start feeling guilty and shameful for doing it and this can have a negative impact on their mental health. They may go into depression and suffer from stress and may come to regard themselves as unworthy.

Physical Health Issues

Porn addiction can also lead to physical problems. Excessive masturbation can lead to Erectile Dysfunction in men and may prevent them from having kids in the future. In addition, it can also cause you to lose energy and sap your strength. Furthermore, people don’t feel like going out or exercising, which can also weaken their body further and lead to other health problems.

In the case of men, porn addiction also causes them to objectify women and not respect them anymore. This can affect their relationships and make them loners. Due to these side effects, seeking treatment for porn addiction as soon as possible is essential. There are various websites that are run by professionals who can go a long way in helping people getting treatment right away and in a discrete manner.

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