It seems to me that Modi is hated by many. Why? Because he could not keep all his promises. It’s been too long. He’s been the Prime Minister of India since May 26, 2014.
India, the country which is famous for corruption, must become corruption free. After all, we gave him three long years to do it.
And what we did we do for the Congress?
We gave the Congress only a few decades, that’s it! How could we expect the Congress to do something good for us or the nation? Surely we never gave them sufficient time.
But the BJP has taken too long – three years!
Did I sound sarcastic? I hope I did, as I tried my best.
Look at yourself. You are over 18 years old, an adult. Show some maturity. It’s time to get rid of your grudges and prejudices and think about the nation.
Just because Modi wears costly clothes, or because he travels a lot (probably enjoying the best meals), you don’t like Modi. But do these things really matter to you as a citizen?
You want to vote for the Congress just because you think Modi is enjoying his stardom and you want to drag him down because no other PM has ever lived such a fancy or charismatic life.
Is this really worth labelling yourself as anti-Modi?
The good he has done and is still doing for the nation is recognised and appreciated by the world. The fact that he still has to justify himself says a lot.
I don’t work for BJP. I don’t belong to or support any particular political party. As a citizen, I want the most deserving candidate to win, irrespective of the party they belong to.
Narendra Modi or Rahul Gandhi? Who do you think is the most deserving?
I would have voted for Congress if Modi was from Congress. I would never have voted for BJP if Rahul was from BJP – as simple as that.
Forget about the political parties. Unfortunately, no party has justified their efficiency in these 60 years. But now, we have this one person, who is justifying his role, responsibility, capability and potential and we are busy forwarding memes about him.
Aren’t we being unfair? We want to vote for the Congress just because we hate Modi. We don’t want to vote for Congress with the hope that they will do better for us – we just want them to win over Modi just because Modi must be defeated. Time to think about the nation, time to think about India. Vote for India.