Some people are completely avoiding sugar, thinking that they may stay healthy. Nevertheless, they do not know that the food they consume is indirectly dominated by sugar in many foods. One recommendation suggests that we should not take more than 30 grams sugar per day. But, most of the food items we eat are overwhelmed by the amount of sugar we can not imagine. Here are some details in which you can know the ways to avoid sugary indirectly.
Avoid Cool Drinks!
Say ‘No’ to cooldrinks which will greatly reduce the amount of sugar in the blood. Instead of Cool Drinks, we can take drinking water or herbal tea. people who cant able top avoid this habit can drink non-sugar lemons or other juices.
Do Not Try Artificial Sugar!
The intake of artificial sugar in exchange for normal sugar is the worst technique. Worse than normal sugar. If you eat it, your body weight will increase, but not less.
Honey is not an Alternative!
Do not think that there is a problem with white sugar not in other types of sugar in sweets. It is a health disadvantage wherever it comes. Whether it is white sugar or honey, it is the same. Both give glucose to the body. So do not cheat yourself by using honey as an alternative to white sugar.
Avoid Adding Sugar to Drinks!
This is the time you need to change the time of your drinking habit. Decrease the amount of sugar in tea and coffee. Adding less sugar to your diet will help you reduce the amount of sugar in the beverage. You will feel the changes in the body too.
The problem of Taste!
Pay attention when you buy Almonds from the store. In order to increase the flavor, they have added more sugar.
Take fewer Fruits!
You may be surprised at this. Even eating more fruits will increase the amount of blood sugar. Its due to Fructose ( a type of Sugar) contains the fruits. So if you eat fruit twice a day, try to reduce once in a day.
Avoid Sweets After Dinner!
Most people will eat sweets as they help digestion after dinner. That’s not good. Instead of sweet you can drink mint tea you can drink sugar without sugar or brush your teeth in the evening, this will reduce the desire.
Check The Label!
When buying items, look at the label and see the amount of sugar involved in it. Avoid too much sugar additives. This is a simple and quick way to reduce sugar levels.
This article is originally written in Health Tips Tamil Blog