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What is true knowledge and consciousness?

What is true knowledge and consciousness?

In this material world we all think that time is reality but it is not true because it is the most annoying illusion of this material world. With our  normal knowledge and consciousness it will only be  possible for us to visualise a part of the showtime of our development of the world but not   the negation of the world. with our Mere presence of subjective knowledge we cannot understand the world which is full of wonders. We all think quite similarly due to our ruling classes who force  their oppressing ideological barriers to barricade our free mind and prevent them from flying above slavery. We all are slave to our masters either we are directly linked or not it doesn’t matter. We all are slave and under the chain of brazen bourgeoisie class…… But now time have cam for all of us us to distinguish between false and true consciousness and real knowledge……In case of knowledge it is not bound within pages of books it is always free and unchangeable phenomena throughout ages both knowledge and conscious are linked with each other without proper consciousness you cannot attain true knowledge similarly without knowledge you cannot utilise your consciousness on objectified subjects we cannot separate both of them  similarly in this world  of petty bourgeois  where knowledge and consciousness can be bought as commodity but at the same time (I want to mention this that by selling knowledge cannot bring real consciousness )we will always be under the false interpretation of history that will always repeats itself and nothing can be changed …. We humans have come across several stages of negation now also it is  a ongoing process it never stopped like time and space  so it concludes that between different sects of society knowledge and consciousness have became more abstract the concept have changed  and it have harmed the philosophical development which always reflects in this material world ….for ex 

Nowadays it is considered that knowledge is only concentrated within books but it will be a great mistake for us because  true knowledge can only be possible through the objective analytical process of this world which will help in understanding the dialectics of this world .without objective knowledge, subjective knowledge is impossible. We have to know what is true knowledge we don’t need the oppressing knowledge of upper class we need a knowledge  of pure form of conscious that will help us human bring  to free our bondages of mind we need free will of conscious thoughts that will help us to keep harmony and love within us .In this moment our pure and true conscious can liberate our souls  from torturous chains ..that’s why in my point of view to bring change the  real  knowledge of exploitation and  consciousness  to overcome it  will create a clash and bring revolution that Will bring change within the system. The real source of true knowledge and conscious are one of the key source for mass to bring revolution. There is always  a scope to change history  it depends upon us ….

It is upon us how we write our Future and help our society to create itself….

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