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parents to marry off their daughters early

Why girls are forced to do marriage at early age? Why parents or society think they are burden on them? 


At its heart, child marriage is rooted in gender inequality and the belief that girls and women are somehow inferior to boys and men.

In our society girls are forced to do early marriage as the parents think they are burden on them or they want to get rid of there responsibility as early as they can….

If parents or society think we are burden or responsibility they are wasting there time on us…

Child marriage is a complex issue. Poverty, lack of education, cultural practices, and insecurity fuel and sustain the practice.

              GENDER EQUALITY


Child marriage is also driven by patriarchal values and the desire to control female sexuality, for instance, how a girl should behave, how she should dress, who she should be allowed to see, to marry, etc.

Families closely guard their daughters’ sexuality and virginity in order to protect the family honour. Girls who have relationships or become pregnant outside of marriage are shamed for bringing dishonour on their family.

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