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Obstetrics: Obstetrics is care of a pregnant woman. It is taking care of the mother and her unborn children during pregnancy and during childbirth. It includes pre-natal care of the fetus and post-natal care of the mother to know that she is recovering well. One sees an obstetrician if they have specific questions or concerns regarding pregnancy both pre and post childbirth. The doctor who specializes in obstetrics is known as an obstetrician.

An obstetrician deals with complications that happen during childbirth. The major complications that are bound to happen are:-

Gynecology: Gynecology encompasses the treatment of any disorder or disease that is prevalent in the female reproductive system. It deals with disorders in the female reproductive system, menstrual disorders, benign and malignant tumor formation, family planning, etc. The doctor who specializes in gynecology is known as a gynecologist.

A gynecologist deals with the complications of a female reproductive system. Few complicated issues a gynecologist has to face are:-

The female reproductive system is a vast topic and is divided into obstetrics and gynecology. But most doctors usually practice both together.

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