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By Jyoti Pathar:

Cleanliness is next to Godliness” is a common proverb in English which means that being cleanliness is similar to godliness and both share similar trails such as self-control and taking positive action. Cleanliness is the basic factor to lead a healthy life. Cleanliness may be regarded as contributing to other ideals such as health and beauty. Being clean means being pure. A person who is clean and tidy is how he dresses up commands better respects from those around him than those who have a slovenly and unkempt appearance. Cleanliness plays an important role in impressing the other person professionally, personally etc. Cleanliness is also regarded as a sign of spiritual growth and purity. By staying clean one will not be affected by diseases. Through the practice of the proper cleanliness we can keep ourselves physically and mentally clean which really makes us good, civilized and healthy human being. Cleanliness of body is really very necessary for the good physical health. Physical cleanliness gives inner cleanliness and keeps heart and mind clean and it keeps us mentally healthy and prevents from the psychological problems. Positivity occurs when a person is physically and mentally clean. So, the complete cleanliness keeps away from dirt and diseases as both go together, where there is dirt there is diseases. As an assertion moral superiority or respectability, cleanliness has played role in establishing cultural values in relation to social class, humanitarianism and cultural imperialism. Cleanliness not only means being physically healthy, it also includes keeping our surroundings clean. If we are clean and the surroundings around us in dirty than its no use staying clean because we will be affected by diseases. Nature is the key factor to lead a healthy life because the oxygen we inhale is the air produced by plants and trees and if there is no cleanliness around us then it is difficult to be healthy. Surroundings should always be kept clean and plantation of trees should become our habit because nature is our mother who feeds us a healthy life. So, we should carefully throw the domestic waste in the garbage boxes. If one adheres to all these habits, one can be free from diseases and lead a happy life. Cleanliness ensures a healthy mind and body. It improves the quality of our life. A clean person enjoys his life completely.

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