Ideas are water. On the contrary to barbarism a man has to be genteel, Polished as well as replace savage habits by good ones, so therefore Man is civilized. The concept of writing in ancient civilization’s right from Mesopotamia, Egypt, China and in India used to be ‘’ Picture Writing”
which later on came to be known as ‘’Hieroglyphic Writing”. It was a kind of picture writing through which people used to transmit with each other in-terms of pictures. Gradually language’s got developed, People used to recite verses on Hero’s and their deeds composed by a Skilled ‘’Tribal poet “. Bards and singer’s used to sing these Verses. There was not the concept of writing or books during those days, So people had to remember much more the rhymes and the poetry. Therefore the popularity of rhymes and ballads exist in those countries where the early Civilizations survived.
Literature is as ancient as soul lingo and as new as tomorrow’s day-break. We can browse it not only in books but in Video’s, Television, Radio, Computer, News-paper, Magazines means both print media or electronic media and by other intelligence of articulation where a story is told or an image is actualized. It is delivered with words and with expression. The fundamental of literature in any Civilization is oral. Right from the ‘’Epic of Gilgamesh”, The Greek epics of ‘’Homer”, The Asian narratives –‘’Vedic Literature” , The ‘’Puranas” and Two Mahakavya’s (Epics) ’’ The Ramayana” (Adikavya) and ‘’The Mahabharta” ,The earliest versions of ‘’Bible’’ and ‘’The Holy Quran” were all communicated orally and passed on from generation to generation with adaptation ,annexation and hyperbole until underpinned the very fabric of written form in Chronicles which have got down-hill to us.
The literary era of poetry in Kashmir phase out from ‘’ Vakhs”(four line couplet style) of Lalleswari ,whose mystic and ascetic verses are practically on every Kashmiri’s lips, commonly known as “Nightin-gale’’ of Kashmir .Downhill to Sheikh-Noorud-Din (Nund Rishi): Patron saint of Kashmir who modernized the Kashmiri Language, Habba Khatoon, ”Abdul Ahad Azad Kashmir ”Zinda Kaul ‘’ (Master-Ji) the first poet of Kashmir to win the ‘’Sahitya Academy Award” in 1965 for ‘’Sumran’’, Dina Nath Nadim , Gani Miskeen , ‘’Mahjoor” so called as ‘’Words- Worth” of Kashmir and many more legends associated with the Literary Canon who contributed a lot to Kashmiri Literature.
Like wise many other prominent bards who chipped-in a lot to Kashmiri Culture and Literature but are still unknown to the people having rich Literary taste. “Ganie Sultan”, a big Wheel of versatile intellect and achievements, first poet of “Narvaw’’ region in North Kashmir’s Baramulla District who gained for modern era a permanent place on the Literary map. Even though his geniture and expiration date is not known but is still a believed and beloved bard whose verses are at every one’s finger tips. He lived in ‘’Zogiyar”, a posh hamlet under the foot-hills of Pirpanjal range of sky kissing mighty Himalayas, situated nearly 7 kms from district headquarter Baramulla, and a km away from Sheeri, Shepherd by profession . Unknown to entire and outside the Valley. Due to some catchy reasons that, this region exhibited not even a single person having rich sense of Literary Concept to jot down his verses and unfortunately which lead vaporization of most of his flamboyant verses. Apart from poetic nature he rose to the unparallel heights of saint-hood and innate spirituality that invalids came to him for amulets and personal benefits. His works are posthumously published in one of a magazine ‘’Bazm-Adab Narvaw” which is published annually under the patronage of Mr “Saliq Bilal’’ with the editorial cell of Intellects , Versifier’s ,Writer’s and Poet’s of Narvaw region .All of the editorial cell at full throttle mustered the courage and left no stone unturned to recollect his verses to pen them down before they were buried irretrievably under the sands of time. “Bazm-Adab Narvaw” is truly the becon light that painted ‘’Ganie Sultan” in proper colors. By reading his verses one can really feel that he has come to life. Among his notable verses one of his Poem “Pish-Nama” which is written dialogue form between Flea and Head lice with a series of question’s and answer’s. Another Poem under the title of ‘’Haaw Deedar Baab Gafuro” has an allegorical significance in the sense that , the Poet is provoking “ Baba Gafur’’( A Sufi Saint entombed on the shore of River Jhelum in Peeeniyan 12 kms from Baramulla)to flash the slight view of his reflection and enchanting him solemnly by praising words of sublimity. In a ballad “ Yaaro Mei Chu Amaar Chun” the Poet precise his Love and devotion contributed to his beloved. He was a man of ascetic sense, Sufism was in his true spirit. Living a simple life. He was an obscure gem blessed with wisdom and sageness being Illiterate in the mountain valley “Narvaw’’ He contributed a lot for the development of Kashmiri Culture, Literature and Language by his Poetry of powerful emotions. He was a great Poet, a great Fellow. As his extreme pilgrimage stepped into twilight zone, He left this world and is concealed in his native village “Zogiyar’’. So silhouette of a Live Legend displayed historical tribute.