What should I call myself Kshatriya Rajput , Zamindar , Thakur , Singh , Open , General or Hindu ? Is my humanity in my class , my respect in my name , my standard of living in my Surname , my intelligence in my name fame …? Where is my Love , Equality and Fraternity or they are just to printed on First pages of my textbooks ? We talk about Men and Women Equality rights who are physically different but forget to answer questions on differences laid in Humanity who are by God ‘s Grace the same.
Diversity in India is appreciated , I too love this to imbibe . But , what if, family is large and huge still never meets on dinner table ? A family just living together but separated by Designations of Creed and caste . What if the Family does riots forgets peace and humanity ? Tell me Is this Diversity called Unity ?
Still I’ll be helpless to say we are staying with this title’s in our hearts and head !
I’m too born in the same family as you are with the dreadful seeds of past !