I’m Sakshi Rathi from Ranchi, Jharkhand. I come from a joint family – and you may well know how much patience and mental stability you need if you belong to such a family. I’m the elder sister in my family – and according to our so-called ‘ancestors’, I have to be like prabhu shree Ram (lord Ram) for my younger siblings.

But my title is ‘bigdi hui ladki’ – because I speak what I feel. I do what I feel is right. In my opinion, if something is wrong, then it’s wrong and there’s no point in making it right. I can’t tolerate if someone misbehaves or does anything wrong. I say it on their face, because I don’t care about the ‘society = ijjat (respect)’ equation, just because I’m a girl from a Marwadi family.
I had many male friends who used to come to my home for parties and group studies. I still hang out with them. So, this is not a sign of a ‘good girl’ – where you speak what you want and be what you are, besides not being afraid of standing for what’s right and saying it in front of everyone.
Featured image used for representative purposes only.