A very well known and acclaimed Bollywood actor, Boman Irani shares his tumultuous life journey from being a waiter to an actor. In spite of facing failures early on in his life and starting out late as an actor, he never gave up his passion and determination to work hard. In all the jobs he has done till date, he perfected and excelled at them, and never gave up.
He was passionate about acting since his early days and talks about how his mother urged him to watch one movie numerous times and analyse it from different perspectives. In his childhood, he had a speech problem and was mocked at, which made him a reticent kid.
However, overcoming all his struggles, he became a famous photographer before he forayed into acting. Since then, he has entertained the masses with highly appreciated roles in movies like “Munnabhai M.B.B.S”, “Lage Raho Munna Bhai”, “3 Idiots”, “Khosla ka Ghosla”, etc. He believes that passion drives everyone to excel. Watch him share his inspiring and encouraging talk about his journey to success.
This video was recorded at JoshTalks SRCC, held on August 22 at Shri Ram College of Commerce.
Josh Talks collects the most inspiring stories of India and provides a platform to showcase them.
Speakers from diverse backgrounds are invited to share their stories, highlighting the challenges they overcame, on their journey to success and realising their true calling.