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How Volunteering Can Give You Happiness

Barack Obama once said, “The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.”  These golden words are true for each one of us. We all tend to take life for granted and get comfortable in our shoes – till the time we feel saturated due to the monotony. We always look for happiness in material objects. But have you ever thought how long that material object can provide you with happiness? Buying an iPhone 7 or a Bose home theatre can never give you as much satisfaction as a volunteering trip abroad. It’s never too late to realise that happiness doubles when shared.

An academic study seems to suggest there’s a direct correlation between the level of happiness and volunteering. Contributing something to the society adds a purpose to life.

Let’s take a look at how volunteering can be a satisfying experience, making you a much happier person:

Work For A Cause You Care About

There are several issues in the society that need to be addressed and you can volunteer for a cause that you care about. If you enjoy being around kids and feel that you can make them learn something new – then go ahead and do it. A smile on a child’s face is priceless, and no worldly thing can ever provide you with more happiness than that.

Keep Yourself Physically And Mentally Engaged

We tend to have pessimistic thoughts while we are idle and that is a major cause of being unhappy. Getting involved in volunteer work will not only keep you physically active but also ensure mental engagement. Every volunteer needs to be thoughtful about his/her moves, and this keeps the brain stimulated, secreting endorphins.

Learn To Be More Empathetic

While on a volunteering journey, you’ll realise that you have a much better life than many. What peope living in difficult circumstances require is not sympathy. Offering help to others, and trying to make a difference to someone else’s life will naturally make you more empathetic and compassionate.

Receive Unconditional Love

Whether it be a cause related to child care, or working with the disabled – you’ll realise that what you get back is much more than you had expected. When you care to step forward for a social cause, you’ll receive immense love from the people you help. A love that is unconditional. Who in the world has ever lived a happier life than the one who’s loved by many?

Making New Connections

It’s not about connecting with the people you work for, but also the people you work with. A volunteering trip will give you the opportunity to meet and connect with people who have similar beliefs and goals. Volunteering will engage you in more trustful bonds, and help you to do more fruitful things.

If you have been looking for an answer to – “How can I be happy?” or “What is it that would make me happy?” – then you should pack your rucksack and set out for a volunteering vacation. You’ll definitely give a boost to the hormones which make you happy by affecting someone else’s life. It’s anyway a win-win situation!


Image source: Allison Joyce/ Getty Images
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