Remember the first time you fell in love? The sweet sweet feeling, smiling and crying suddenly and leaving your mother puzzled? “Panorama” did that to me. Shilpi Chaklanobis did that to me. So here I write about a book, that touched me in every way possible!
There are some books meant to be a one time read. The others are like “Panorama“. I am going to read, re-read, re-re-read this book my entire life and I will never get bored. Such is the flavour of this book.
Cover – The cover is beautiful, soothing and attractive. This book steals the attention due to its bright coloured cover.
Title – The title Panorama is apt, as it is a collection of short stories from various walks of life. Literally, panorama means a wide view, which this book displays as well.
Style – The style of writing is simple and beautiful and Shilpi Mam has woven magic in her words. Read this to fall in love.
Characterisation in the stories – The characters are very well developed, you can see a picture in front of your eyes. The descriptions are beautiful and perfect, with no exaggeration. You cry with them, you smile with them, dream with them, love with them and even a part of you dies with them. I must say, those who haven’t read this book yet, you are missing on something better than even “Biryani”. A food lover and has not eaten Biryani? A book lover and has not read “Panorama”? What are you waiting for, go and buy it on Amazon or your nearest bookstore!
My favourite story – My favourite story is undoubtedly “Peanut”. I won’t disclose a single line from this story. I feel so selfish, I want to be the only one to know this story that made me laugh and cry at the same time. I am obsessed with this story. So obsessed, I made my mother read it forcefully to discuss it.
My favourite line- ” Today I realised that the dust can only cover your memories for sometime but the feelings that lay beneath them remain the same, forever. It’s just that you have to brush the dust aside to get hold of the same feelings again.”
My Verdict – This book has become a part of me. I am going to cherish these stories forever and read these time and again. Shilpi Chaklanobis, you are a magician. Keep weaving this magic forever. One more thing, I love you.