By Cake Staff:
You know how kids have a knack for pointing out a ‘flaw’ or a ‘difference’ in your body or countenance? Clinical Psychologist Camillo Zacchia says that’s just how they observe and make sense of the world. But anyone who’s ever had to interact with their peers in school will tell you the intent isn’t always so pure. Sometimes, it’s downright bullying. [envoke_twitter_link]Kids can be cruel, and they know it[/envoke_twitter_link]. But there’s also something about the school environment that can foster that kind of cruelty.
@INBreakthrough @karthu1993 this is a trend kids tend to make groups and target one person #StandWithMe
— Richa Tyagi (@rich_112) August 11, 2016
Yesterday, Breakthrough – which runs multimedia campaigns to unpack discrimination against women and girls – held a twitter chat about how [envoke_twitter_link]school can be hell for kids who face this kind of “othering” and “bullying”[/envoke_twitter_link] not only from their classmates and seniors, but from faculty members and administrative staff. As part of their #StandWithMe campaign, they invited twitter users to share their experiences of the same, and many opened up about their school days:
@inbreakthrough Boys are not permitted earrings/long hair/tikkas on head (shamed as being girly) in a local school here #StandWithMe
— PokemoneGoGoinGone (@firingouty) August 11, 2016
These sort of rules only further solidify the concept of a gender-binary in the classroom, making it harder for kids who are trans, non-binary or gender-queer to have a healthy view of themselves and their identities. But schools and staff reinforce the gender-binary in harmful ways even for cisgender children, from slut-shaming:
@INBreakthrough: A4: A professor said leggings distract boys and hence, girls must not complain if anything happens to them. #StandWithMe
— Akshay Iyer (@daredevilakshay) August 11, 2016
To unreasonableness:
@INBreakthrough @rich_112 Knew someone who was refused official docs cos she was wearing sleeveless #StandWithMe
— Runa Chatterjee (@RunaChat93) August 11, 2016
To just downright sexism:
@INBreakthrough #StandWithMe at one point a teacher shouted at a girl who did the sports march wrong saying “girls shouldn’t have done it”.
— Karthika S Nair (@karthu1993) August 11, 2016
And it only gets worse when there is a reluctance to even talk about sex or gender, period!
The enthusiasm of awareness on adolescent health ends in many school when teachers skip the lesson and tell “study it at home” #StandWithMe
— Tauhid Abbasi (@Tauhid_Abbasi) August 11, 2016
Creating such a stern, restrictive, and foggy binary-based atmosphere also has a negative impact on kids who are queer, or struggling with their gender or sexual orientation. When [envoke_twitter_link]all conversations are constrained by a heteronormative outlook[/envoke_twitter_link] – from jokes shared between students, to remarks made by teachers – it sets the grounds to ostracise children who are seen as ‘different.’ Everything from your haircut, to how you carry yourself, to your personal interactions is deeply scrutinized, and then judgement is passed:
@INBreakthrough: 3: Bullying, name-calling. Our schools aren’t equipped to handle different orientations. #StandWithMe
— Akshay Iyer (@daredevilakshay) August 11, 2016
@INBreakthrough you’re seen as tainted or a loser nobody if you’re not in a heterosexual relationship; hell for #asexual kids #StandWithMe
— Shāmbhavi (@Shamwoo) August 11, 2016
.@INBreakthrough Confronting insecure bullies, cowardly teachers with no support makes school hard. #StandWithMe
— Edwin Thomas (@edutom1995) August 11, 2016
When it’s the “fat guy” or the “queer kid” or the “quiet girl” getting picked on, you can be sure it’s all coming from a place of learned prejudice and an aversion to accepting difference. [envoke_twitter_link]If these toxic attitudes aren’t checked in school itself, the bullies get off easy[/envoke_twitter_link], and the bullied must deal with exclusion, and with mental and physical harassment. It is not a coincidence that suicide rates among LGBTQ youth in India are high. It is not a coincidence that such few trans students are enrolled in higher education. The seeds of discrimination are sewn early in a child’s life, and the way a school responds or doesn’t respond to their needs it crucial.
By the time we’re in college or university, we become a little more attuned to bullying or harassment. In fact, we may even have thicker skins, and a confidence instilled by the presence of a complaints system. But for kids in school, teasing can cause a undue amount of stress, and can sometimes escalate into rather traumatic situations. [envoke_twitter_link]We owe it to kids in school to provide a safer, more welcoming environment[/envoke_twitter_link]. We owe them the skills they need not only to stay strong in these situations, but to challenge their aggressors, with the full knowledge that they will be backed up by friends, parents and teachers.
And while all of this is necessary, we should also focus on the source of aggression, as this tweet points out:
@INBreakthrough #StandWithMe I believed that it is not me, but my bullies are the ones who need help. Else they will commit crimes in future
— Karthika S Nair (@karthu1993) August 11, 2016