By YKA Staff:
In a 2014 survey on intimate partner violence, out of 3,158 women surveyed, 52% said that they had experienced some form of violence in their lives. Equally shocking is how out of 9,205 men surveyed, 60% said they had acted violently against their wife/partner at some point of time in their lives. Online campaigns such as #BearNoMore and #WhyIStayed have also revealed that hundreds of women across the world have been victims of partner violence, but have found it difficult to speak out and leave their partners.
In a society that insists on making most relationships work with the pressure of being perceived as the ‘perfect’ or ‘cutest’ couple, individuals often accept partner violence as a part of ‘making it work’. And very sadly, with the pop culture references we see on film and TV and the stigma that surrounds someone who chooses to leave their partner, it becomes doubly hard for a person to end such a bad relationship.
This video addresses the problem heads on with a very important message at the end. Watch it and share – do your bit to help someone walk out of an abusive relationship.
You might be in an abusive relationship and not even know it. Here are 8 signs that will help you in taking a decision.
Wondering how to deal with a controlling boyfriend? This auntyji has some solid advice.
And if in need, just pick up the phone and call these counseling help lines.