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This Hilarious Video Reveals What It’s Like To Be A Gay Indian In The US

By Lipi Mehta

“Before I went to college, I went up to my dad and I was like, ‘Dad, I wanna be a writer.’ And he was like, ‘That’s fantastic, Nik! But isn’t it pronounced lawyer?'”

[envoke_twitter_link]Within less than two minutes of watching this video, comedian Nik Dodani will have you in splits[/envoke_twitter_link]. And where before have we ever heard a gay Indian man who lives in Arizona talk about what it means to be gay, Indian and live in Arizona? Nik summarises the typical ‘Indian problems’ he faces (having chicken curry for lunch amongst a bunch of white students is only one of them) and actually make you question how you could have internalised racism and not even know it.

His experiences of growing up in a country that isn’t his, coming out to his parents and more will make you laugh out loud, but also make you think about how much bullshit many people have to deal with just to go through an ordinary day! Here’s [envoke_twitter_link]a comedian who has lived through many stereotypes and doesn’t flinch before bashing every single one[/envoke_twitter_link] of them.

Watch his video here and let us know what you thought of it in the comments below.


Nik Dodani – Man of Color (Stand-Up Comedy) Vimeo.
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