By Dhruv Arora:
Most of us comic-book fan populace have our own preferences between two of the largest comic book publishers, Marvel and DC. Many of us have, at some point, wanted them to appear cross-platform and have our favorite heroes from the DC Universe to appear in Marvel Comics (or vice-versa). Those of us with a hyper-active imagination may have even wondered what would happen if our favorite superheroes and supervillians from Marvel and DC Comics would merge together. This isn’t a dream, however, because in actuality, Marvel and DC did share a publishing imprint under the name of Amalgam Comics, where they brought together some of our most beloved heroes together basically causing what can only be described as a nerdgasm inducing euphoria for us fanboys.
Here are a few of the superheroes that were merged as part of the Amalgam Universe.
Dark Claw (Batman + Wolverine)
Super Soldier (Superman + Captain America)
Princess Ororo of Themyscira (Wonder Woman + Storm)
Iron Lantern (Iron Man + Green Lantern)
Spider Boy (Spider-Man + Super Boy)
Hyena (Joker + Harley Quinn + Sabretooth)
Want to know which other superheroes joined powers as part of the Amalgam Universe? Let me know at @thedhruvarora.