“You can’t be ignored. You know little, but the beats are pumping. You do things different, walk a new path. You put in the toil. You are the master, you are the captain. You are the youth” ~Source Unknown
With hoards of students graduating every year and all of them hunting for jobs, there is a need for you to shine out in the crowd. For that you either need to be exceptionally impressive with your academic record or you need to push yourself to make some extra efforts. And if you have both the things in your kitty, there is nothing like it.
How exactly do you make efforts to have an edge over others? Internships during college can help immensely. Degrees are great, but internships make a difference. Everyone will graduate and more or less have the same kind of skills but an internship will help you stand out. Here are a few reasons why internships are somewhat necessary now:
Chance of getting job increases —
In the global job market, the competition is quite steep; obtaining a real world work experience or an internship makes a student a more qualified candidate. Internships make it more viable for candidates to get jobs easily after they graduate.
Learning experience:
Internships are a great way to learn the way things are done in the industry. Even if you are doing a small job, you are gaining some knowledge and getting experience. It is advised not to take an internship lightly. Asking questions is one key to learning in an internship and keeping yourself flexible throughout the internship can open many doors.
Identifying career paths:
Internships help one decide if a job is of their interest and passion or not. Sometimes the internship will foster the conclusion that the chosen career path is not what they had expected. However, in many cases, it can lead to a greater understanding of the field and assist with the development of skills marketable for their chosen career path. Srishti, an engineering student, didn’t realize what to do until she interned with SHEROES. She is now working on her digital and marketing skills.
Contacts and networking:
Through internships one can build good professional networks. Majority firms hire their interns later on. Besides that, 80% of jobs are found through networking.
When you are interning for a company, you are exposed to an environment similar to the one present at any job. This helps you evaluate things you are good at and things you aren’t good at. You can improvise on your shortcomings and work on your positives to be perfect.
Building a strong resume
Imagine how adding an internship or two apart from good grades and some co-curricular activities can boost your chances of getting a job. Resumes with internships definitely get more consideration.
Internships have many more added benefits to them; a lot of them pay as well. So apart from getting good experience you can also get yourself some pocket money for a few months. These are few good enough reasons to find internships.
We at SHEROES, realize the importance of college internships, last month we rolled the Young Women Leadership Program — Campus SHEORES for women in colleges. If you are a young woman in college looking to start young, Campus SHEROES is your opportunity.
SHEROES is the career destination for women in India. It offers the largest OpportunityScape for women seeking options at various life stages. The SHEROES Community has access to high growth career resources, mentorship and support. SHEROES engages with businesses to help them connect with female talent in form of employees, partners, customers and business owners. Read more here.