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I Have A Problem With The Way I Am Treated: Let’s Change That Forever

By Aarti Nair:

I don’t mind relatives at home
But being asked to change my shorts because he has come
I have a problem.

I don’t mind listening to crap
But being asked to apologize because I don’t agree
I have a problem.

I don’t mind taking advices
But being asked to take my decisions from them because everyone does
I have a problem.

I don’t mind being complimented
But being taken for granted because I am a girl
I have a problem.

I don’t mind getting married and starting a new life
But giving dowry in spite of that
I have a problem.

I don’t mind religion
But being asked to stay hungry to get a nice man
I have a problem.

I don’t mind believing in God
But bowing down to the idol in the temple
I have a problem.

All my life at different points of time I am anyways going to experience natural pain for not being pregnant and of course in between suffer pain for being pregnant and still my male counterpart will be considered to be ‘stronger’ than me. To top that I should dress/speak/walk in a certain way around certain people to save my vagina from being violated because it’ll be my fault if not done so. I have a problem with that.

All my life I was/will be expected stay hungry to get something or the other. It started with staying hungry to ‘get’ a good man then staying hungry to retain him and keep him alive! I have a problem with that.

I have a problem with many things. I choose to remain silent for a few things and speak up for the others. The day I, We (Women) start speaking up for everything, it will become impossible for people to adjust with me/us without CHANGE. Change is going to come whether you want it or not. Let’s hope it comes swiftly.

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