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Who Should Lead The Nation – Veteran Politicians Or Indian Youth?

By Neha Shetty:

This is a burning topic in all minds which has caught more flame looking at India’s plight today. We often hear in assurances and promises made by our honourable ministers about creating ideal and developed India. But is the reality matching these promises? It is easy to say that one day India will be counted in one of the developed countries in the world but the way things are actually proceeding, I am a bit confused as to where India is going.

Recently while browsing through various news bulletins my mind made up a new meaning of our country’s name:
I-Insane Politics
N-Non-stop debates
D-Daily sprouting of a new issue or problem
I-Incessant shifting of blames and responsibilities
A-A baseless hope of making India shine

I feel very sorry to write this but it is the truth. The question is “Where are we going wrong?” There may be several answers to this. But amid them a core reason which stands out is our knotty leadership. Like a captain is responsible to lead the ship to the shore, a country, too, can be lead to affluence by zealous leaders. Here is the point when the dilemma arises as to who should lead India- veteran politicians or the youth of India?

Let us observe as to how the administration would be if India is lead entirely either by veteran politicians or youth.

At the outset, the term “Veteran Politician” means a very experienced politician. Years of hard-work and service yields them fruits in the form of experience. Honourable politicians like Dr. Manmohan Singh, Mr. Laloo Prasad Yadav, Mr. Yashwant Sinha, Mrs. Sushma Swaraj etc. set good examples in this category. They have immense talent and know how to administer the country. For example, Mr. Laloo Yadav brought many amenities in railways for benefit of general public whereas Mr. Yashwant Sinha is still widely ascribed for bringing in gainful reforms in the finance sector.

But veteran politicians have their own limitations. They still adhere to traditional methods of administration. They are not very quick in behaviour. Sometimes they become extra cautious and sometimes too lenient. To fill their pockets without working they also indulge in bribes and corruption.

Moving towards the youth of India, I must say this is the group that actually confronts the traumatic life and politics today. If they are given an opportunity to lead the nation alone they would surely be fabulous in their job. Youngsters are vigilant enough to keep a track of current issues. In the case of 26/11 shoot out at Taj where veteran politicians were slowly working out the matter, youth were putting forth brilliant suggestions. Their staple strength is sharp and skilful thinking.

Youth, though undoubtedly genius, are impulsive by nature, which could be dicey. For e.g.: The culprit of 26/11 case, Kasab was hanged on 21, November, 2012. But if youth were given a chance they, without much thinking, would have shot him long back. Thus out of whimsical mindedness they may take hasty decisions. Another point they lack in, is experience. It is easy to blame the government but very difficult to actually handle that position.

Keeping above discussion apart, my idea of leading India is quite distinct. When talked of separately, both have pros and cons. I feel if we add the zest of both veteran politicians and young minds we shall get an ideal ruling Government. Ministries should combine strengths of both and extract the best out of it. Experience of veterans and sharpness and creativity of the youth, together would give a radiant effect to administration thereby helping India record its name in golden letters in the list of developed super powers of the world.

A Perfect Leading Government = Veteran Politicians + Youth of India.

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