Every passing second, someone or the other Indian is complaining about the repercussions of overpopulation– be it in the long queue at the bank, in an overcrowded bus, or whilst being stuck in traffic. What is the solution to these never-ending conversations?
Family planning is being seriously employed by the most populous nation of the world, China, as well. The one-child policy has significantly brought down the fertility rate. At family planning offices, women receive free contraception and pre-natal classes. China, just like India is not a fully developed country. A large portion of the population is devoted to agriculture, while a considerable proportion is illiterate, semiliterate and impoverished.
In India, the main aim of The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is to educate the public regarding the perils of an overpopulated country. Even though people have the right to make their own decisions regarding the size of their families, it’s important that they cater to their social responsibility. Most families do not realize that every newborn contributes to the ever rising statistics of danger. Family planning benefits the health and wellbeing of women and families all through the world. It prevents unwanted pregnancies and protection from STDs like HIV/AIDS, Herpes, etc.
We traditionally prefer early marriage, early child-bearing and large families, but limited resources cannot support the burden of such a heavy population. Various associations in India have started campaigns in favor of this movement. The inverted Red Triangle is the symbol for family planning, health and contraception services. It is a logo used to promote birth control and safe sex. Also, the Hum Do Hamare Do slogan was a fine stratagem which raised an effective cry to influence, encourage and educate people about the benefits of a smaller family. In a developing country like India where unemployment and poverty are at its peak, we believe that family planning is the one stone that can kill two birds.