Each day we are exposed to at least one aspect of social activism either through social networking sites, media, or by word of mouth. Some appeals may be ignored without a second thought but others may anger or even frustrate us. We tweet, rant, blog, or “like” for that instant and quickly move on with the rest of our lives. Not everyone can dedicate their lives to social causes and many are overwhelmed into complacency or worse, apathy. As the youth movement around the world gains momentum and many of us are exposed to petitions and protests every week we feel guilt and responsibility to take action, but to what degree?
We should all try our best to be informed on all social issues but it is important to find what we are passionate about and attempt to blend that into our daily efforts. Anger, guilt, and frustration without action and proper knowledge are wasted emotions no matter how many tears we shed or candles we light. It is our responsibility to care about others and this world but we must keep in mind that this shared responsibility. Everyone is in this together like pieces of a puzzle. Everyone doing their part to the best of their ability will naturally result in change and a better world.