By Ratnesh Pandey:
Few are those
blessed their lives
on whom showers
the fruit of life
Tiny hands, Deep blue eyes
crying to the world
new life arrives
a spirit, a source
where happiness thrives
life feels free,from its multiple strife
she was something which
words cant scribble
indelible, feeble
filled with a vibe
perhaps something beyond
the mortals tribe
emotions, affections lost to greed
committed thou a ghastly deed
for what? an orthodox blind creed!
all there lies, her numb dull eyes
snatched from them
right of life
oh yes! I could hear
those suppressed souls; their tears
those numb dull eyes,
mocking me,
mocking thee,
O mother of mine!
why your hands didn’t fumble
soul never trembled
you let them snatch me?
How did you forget
you too were once “me”!!!
you too were once “me”!!!