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Be a Voice Against Corruption – A Govt. Portal To Nail Down and Redress Corruption

By Tarun Kothari:

Tired of corrupt public officials, delayed administrative progress or the response to complaints to respective authorities with no visible action taken?

The Government of India has launched a new public portal aimed at providing the citizens with a platform for redressal of their grievances. Your complaints need to be subjected to any of the listed ministry/department or state governments, which the portals claims will be taken up to specified organisation/department for immediate redressal.

A screen-shot of the new Government launched portal for public grievances

The portal also has impressive additional features like reminders and status inquiry where you can get to know the progress of your lodged complaint or remind them back of same. In-case you are not happy with the response or there is no response to your complaint you can again lodge your grievance which now would be taken up by PG officers of DAR&PG who would then closely monitor your complaint and take up the matter with the concerned ministry again so that an expedited redressal is ensured.

Spread the word, after-all it’s not the officials but the people’s attitude that makes corruption possible:

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