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It”s Time for SEEZ (Special Eco-Friendly Economic Zone)

Ashweeni Kumar:

Lately, a lot of middle class people have started setting up businesses and probably as small scale industries. Pollution is going to increase as industry comes up. I have a eco-friendly business plan for those people interested in small scale industry.

Some of the states have schemes for farmers and people who own agricultural land. By that scheme you can start agro based industries & the government will give you loans at reasonable rates.

We can create eco friendly small scale industry using this scheme. Suppose if a person owns a 12 acres farmland. He cultivates Sugarcane in 5-6 acres, he can start a sugar, paper or both industry using that scheme in the remaining farmland. To be more energy efficient he can also construct some Bio-gas plants (a pit in which animal and vegetation waste is mixed and stirred which gives methane as output that can further be used in some of the industrial process).

Briefly the eco-friendly industry can be set up as follows:

So, this is a totally eco-friendly approach where nothing is left as waste. I suggest this idea to people who want to start an eco-friendly business. Those who are not farmers or have no farmland but are still interested can also start this type of an industry without using the above mentioned scheme.

The above idea of small scale eco-friendly industry can be implemented in rural areas. Thus, the SEZ (special economic zone) driving power form them can be called SEEZ (Special Eco-Friendly Economic Zone).


The writer is a correspondent of Youth Ki Awaaz.

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