The result for this sessions bi-weekly poll is out. We had asked you ‘Can We Ever Accept Nude Scenes in the Cinema?’ You voted and your voice is here. There is a large gap between the two answers. 66% of you voted ‘NO’, thus, the majority feels that we cannot accept nude scenes in the cinema. The reasons could be many. The fact is that the rural population might not be able to accept it. Another reason could be that the religious gurus might not accept it. The media might contribute to the hype and no matter how positive we might think of it, it might affect our children and young ones. But yes, 33% (a big part of the readership here at Youth Ki Awaaz) do feel that we will accept them. The reason could be the fact that it’s high time we accepted the practicality and moved ahead. And there is no big deal in showing nude scenes if the story demands it. So what do you feel about it? Do you think we will ever be able to accept nude scenes in the cinema. Let your voice be heard. Post a comment or mail us your views at info@youthkiawaaz.com, but do voice yourself.